Wednesday 5 January 2011

Happy New Year!!

First things first - Happy New Year everyone! Here we are; a year closer to 2012. But never mind all that doomsday rubbish, hope you all had happy holidays and got all you wanted out of it. Concerning the New Year, I have actually made a new year's resolution: Post more on my Blog. But, like most resolutions, how well that goes is yet to be seen. But I'll try to post at least fortnightly. Forgive the small, insignificant posts that are sure to come.

Last post I talked about my difficulty choosing between a controller and a headset. In the end, I went for neither. The controller is made for pro competitive gaming, and I came to the conclusion that I just don't play competitively anymore. Single player gives so much more freedom to the player, in my opinion. And the headset; I've heard that it has a rather short cable, and I can't really have that. I don't have a huge room, but I do move around a lot. A short cable would significantly restrict me.

I did get some things though. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (Xbox 360), Sonic Colours (Nintendo Wii), a wired controller for my newest hobby of PC gaming (and to replace my dying wireless controllers) and an assortment of chocolate. T'was a good holiday indeed. I'll probably speak about the games at a later date, but it's safe to say I am thoroughly enjoying both of them.

Seeing as its January, I have to deal with the hell that is January Exams. I have to get them done well since I have now got offers from all my chosen universities. It was probably rather bad of me to only think "meh" when I got all my offers! I'm laid-back like that. I have 4 exams over three weeks to complete. Wish me luck!!

That's me done for the time being. With any luck, I shall be posting a lot more from now on, with more than just text for you to read!

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