Friday 20 August 2010

Exam results

Well my AS exam results are in. Here we go: 'D' for Maths with Mechanics, 'D' for Physics, 'B' for Computing and an 'A' for Economics. Let's start with the bad. 'D' for Physics...oh dear. But who cares!? Dropping the subject anyway!

'D' for Maths...that isn't great, considering it is probably my most important subject. But I sort of proved to myself that I can do well in it. Let me explain. Maths with Mechanics is split into three exams - Core 1, Core 2 and Mech. 1. I did C1 in January and achieved an 'E'. This is mainly because I really couldn't be bothered with revision at the time! But towards the summer exams, I really got working. But I mainly worked on C2 by accident. Got a 'B' in C2 (damn good, in my opinion!) but only got an 'E' in M1, hence the overall 'D' grade. Now that 'B' has given me some hope. If I an really get working in Year 2, I CAN do better! I plan to re-sit C1 as I have been told it get's 'easier' after going through C3 (Year 2 Math work.). M1... I'm just going to leave that alone. I plan to move into Decision Maths anyway, due to it being more focused on algorithms and such. Computing based really.

Now for the good. A 'B' in Computing? YAY!! This is split into a theory exam (all written) and a practical exam (mostly programming). The theory exam mark scheme is very strict, so by missing out small details, I only got a 'C' in January for theory. In the programming, got an 'A'!! All that needs to be done is re-sit the theory exam. No problem!

An 'A' in Economics? Wow... I really didn't see that coming. Not going to go into detail about this; I got an 'A'... sorted!

Things are only going to get harder from here though. Year 2 work is surely going to be far more difficult than Year 1. Really going to work hard.... well, I'll try! There are a lot of really good games due out soon. My discipline is really going to be tested this year... I've babbled a lot about my exams this time, but I'll move back to the gaming world in this blog soon!

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