Sunday 22 August 2010


AH DAMN! Just remembered another great game I'm really, REALLY looking forward to! I have to post it!

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

A lot of sequels in my list! Force Unleashed II continues the story of Starkiller, Darth Vader's apprentice, after the end of the first games events. The story is set between Episode III and IV of the main Star Wars canon. The story mainly revolves around Starkiller's search for who he is, due to the fact that he was...

[Spoiler alert!]

...'killed' at the end of the last game. The main point about the gameplay is the extensive use of the force you can utilize during combat. Force push to push enemies out of the way, force lightning to shock enemies, force grab to throw objects or enemies at other enemies, or a new force mind-trick, where you can trick weak-minded foes to turn against their allies, or just end their own lives!

This is all well and good, but Starkiller also has his basic yet awesome weapons to use - TWO lightsabers! I suppose it marks the 'II' part of the game's title as well. He can use multiple badass-combos in addition to his force powers to destroy his enemies and learn the truth.... but mainly kill enemies.
Two of them! Look! TWO!!

I spent 12 hours on the first game's demo alone and plenty more on the actual game (which I only just got recently O_O) so I know this is going to be an amazing game to play! Here's a quick video for you to admire.

Sorry about forgetting this! It's looking to be a stunning game and I simply cannot wait for this and all the other games on my list. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II is due out October 2010.

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