Wednesday 11 August 2010

My first post

Well due to utter boredom during summer holidays, I've decided to write a blog. I'll start with saying who I am and what I'm like.

My name is Sanjay Pattani. I'm a second year student in England studying A-Levels - Maths, Computing and Economics. My hobbies are reading manga, watching anime, playing video games and playing guitar. I like to think I'm intelligent, a little morbid, rather quiet, shy and generally a nice guy. I aspire to become a games developer, mainly programming the games and constructing the A.I.

Now where to begin... gaming! I own all the major consoles; Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii and a PC. For the record, I do not see the iPhone/iPod Touch as a console. I would say my favourite it the Xbox 360. Although you have to pay for the majority of online features, it is very much worth it. Cross game chat is by far the most important feature in an online console these days, something which the PS3 has yet to adopt. It is easy to use, even for newer gamers, and has a wide variety of games. My favourite game on the Xbox 360 is most probably Halo 3. I'm not a fan of C.O.D. at all. Far too easy to die and just plain boring. My Xbox Gamertag is LeoZeo and my PSN name is Leo-Zeo. I don't know my Wii Friend Code, it's far too long and pointless to give out. No game chat at all? Seriously, Nintendo?

Anime and Manga. For those who don't know, this is Japanese animation and Japanese comics. No, I don't speak or read Japanese (yet!) but anime and manga are very popular, leading other fans to translate the comics and add English subtitles to the anime. I know I watch far too much anime, and have a list to prove it, but I just love the detail and depth to each different series. It's a lot more interesting than... I don't know... SpongeBob SquarePants. My favourite series are Angel Beats, Deathnote, Naruto and Bleach. The last two series are still going, with well over 250 episodes each!

I should mention my guitar playing. I play an electro-acoustic guitar, since I prefer the relaxed sounds of an acoustic guitar over an electric one. I know I'm not very good at playing, but I just like playing it on my own and relaxing. I hate playing in front of an audience of any size. That's all I've really got to say on that matter.

I'll wrap things up here for now, I've talked too much. My next posts will dabble a little into my hobbies more, but will mainly be about my current life and the events in it.

Thanks for reading.

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