Friday 27 August 2010

Nothing to do and loving it! Also, "LeoZeo" - what does it mean?

Wow, the summer holidays can be really boring! I guess that's why I haven't posted in a while. There's nothing going on really. But in all honesty, I would much rather this boredom than going back to college. My holidays are numbered - I go back on the 7th September. Urgh, I've complained about this before, but I really don't want to go back! All of 3 or 4 friends there, one person I absolutely HATE and just a lot of work! Rather be bored at home.

At least all this boredom has given me time to watch a few new anime and manga series. My list keeps on growing! Seriously, I have a list. Maybe I'll post it one day, when I can be bothered.

Just for the sake of it, feel free to look for me on various mediums: -YouTube
LeoZeo - Xbox LIVE
Leo-Zeo - PlayStation Network
ANBU_Leo - Steam
ANBULeo - Twitter
Sanjay Pattani - Facebook

That last one felt 'Leo' in it. If you're wondering why I use Leo/LeoZeo mostly...well it's an embarrassing story. I may as well tell it now. When I was a child, I loved Power Rangers. I felt the need to use all the leaders' names as my own nickname. I would name examples but I can only think of Jason from the first series. Anyway, eventually it got to a series where the main character was Leo, so I took the name. This was also the point in time where I was getting into gaming. This led me to use 'Leo' in all profile names and high score lists. It worked well since I could put 'Leo' where your initials would go. I didn't go off Power Rangers until a while later, but Leo just stuck. As for 'Zeo', he was a character on another show I watched, 'Beyblade'. You know, spinning tops, rip cords, "Let 'em RIP!" Well his name went well with my nickname. So I called my imaginary friend 'Zeo'. Yes....imaginary friend. We've all had one! So anyway, eventually I started to add that on to my nickname 'Leo'. So now we have 'LeoZeo'. There's the story. Rather odd, I know.

ANYWAY... since I don't have much more to say, I'll just leave you with a video which is, quite frankly, hilarious! Be sure to subscribe to this guy! See you all next time.

1 comment:

  1. I love those literal trailers. The guy can pull out a rockin' Jack Black voice.
