Thursday 12 August 2010

This is either really good...or really bad...

Now for my first post about things in my life! In my gaming world: my team and I have been accepted in a Halo 3 tournament! The idea is that if we beat the competition, we get to face off against celebrities! The tournament is called "Looking for a Leader". It's split into two sets of matches. One is a free-for-all type of match. The winner there will train the celebs and be on their team in the final match. The other is the team stage, in which the team that prevails will face off against the celebs.

Now, my team are hardly the best team in the world, but we're fairly decent and stand a good chance against other teams. The planning stages for the matches are happening today, and the tournament will be happening across Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th. My teams' tags are: LeoZeo [Me], TachyonicRage, pRo death kill9, KittyBass377 [I know...weird, right?], RazorHelljumper and MrEcHo88. Wish us luck!

That's all for today, got training to do!

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